A British “Arts and Crafts” period entrance Hall circa 1905. The original panels and fixtures were dark oak but have been given two coats of latex paint to produce a contemporary twist without destroying the integrity of the period design. via reddit
We've spend 10 years renovating a 17th former pub, trying to be as sympathetic as possible. 1st picture is just after I'd renovated the floor, second is living room finished. Typically, we're selling up and moving on. Herefordshire, UK via reddit
Can a kitchen be a cozy place? I built this for my best friend. And man, she looks cozy in there. Recycled bleachers from a local school. I even left the carriage bolt holes... I did not discriminate... let the wood tell it’s story. via reddit
I had the wonderful opportunity to drive through New Hampshire this weekend. This home I came across seemed like it would fit right in here! via reddit
High ceilinged room luxury living space with a pair of imposing bookcases each side of an enormous fireplace. DVISE Inc. Modern Architecture and Builtworks Miami, Florida [1200x750] via reddit