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Showing posts from December, 2016

Colors, material and that stain glass

Colors, material and that stain glass

life1nmotion:MINIMOD Catuçaba by MAPA

life1nmotion:MINIMOD Catuçaba by MAPA

hexagon tile

hexagon tile

Have pops construct something like this for me with reclaimed wood he has. for storage.. maybe old cabinet.. etc. No back.. tv stand on top.

Have pops construct something like this for me with reclaimed wood he has. for storage.. maybe old cabinet.. etc. No back.. tv stand on top. " title=" Have pops construct something like this for me with reclaimed wood he has. for storage.. maybe old cabinet.. etc. No back.. tv stand on top. " src="" /> Have pops construct something like this for me with reclaimed wood he has. for storage.. maybe old cabinet.. etc. No back.. tv stand on top.

Painted walls, wall murals and wall papers

Painted walls, wall murals and wall papers

Backyard streams

Backyard streams

Swedish aparment

Swedish aparment

Mews House by TG-STUDIO

Mews House by TG-STUDIO" title=" Mews House by TG-STUDIO" src="" /> Mews House by TG-STUDIO" title=" Mews House by TG-STUDIO" src="" /> Mews House by TG-STUDIO" title=" Mews House by TG-STUDIO" src="" /> Mews House by TG-STUDIO" title=" Mews House by TG-STUDIO" src="" /> Mews House by TG-STUDIO" title=" Mews House by TG-STUDIO" src="" /> Mews House by TG-STUDIO" title=" Me...

Bookshelf decor

Bookshelf decor

French artist Claire Basler lives and paints in her home Château de Beauvoir where she creates huge paintings of flowers. The place looks blooming - an eternal summer

French artist Claire Basler lives and paints in her home Château de Beauvoir where she creates huge paintings of flowers. The place looks blooming - an eternal summer

Interesting stairs in this loft apartment designed by architect Andreas Martin-Löf

Interesting stairs in this loft apartment designed by architect Andreas Martin-Löf