This beautiful family home, designed by Hiroshi Sambuichi, takes a leap to set a balance between nature and building. To accomplish this, Sambushi chose high-quality natural materials including Japanese cypress, chestnut wood, and crushed stone. He created a design that allows the flow of air to move throughout. " title="aphotik: This beautiful family home, designed by Hiroshi Sambuichi, takes a leap to set a balance between nature and building. To accomplish this, Sambushi chose high-quality natural materials including Japanese cypress, chestnut wood, and crushed stone. He created a design that allows the flow of air to move throughout. " src="" /> This beautiful family home, designed by Hiroshi Sambuichi, takes a leap to set a balance between nature and building. To accomplish this, Sambushi chose high-quality natural materials including Japanese cypress, chestnut wood, and crushed stone. He cre...